Post by Joshua Field on Apr 30, 2005 20:59:44 GMT -5
The casting clinic at Orvis today was soggy but fantastic. Lots of advanced techniques from someone who "is widely known as one of the finest and smoothest fly casters in the world." He did some great demos - particularly of pickup techniques (roll pickup, snake pickups, tip-whip pickups, etc) as well as Belgian casts, looong double-hauls and arielized roll casts. It was well worth the wet and cold! Bill was both knowledgeable and personable, taking the time to talk with us after the clinic about some of the techniques in detail. I've posted a few photos and videos for those who couldn't make it to check out: www.berkshireflyfishing.org/cairnscasting/ (videos are in avi format - they will take a while to load, especially if you are dialup... but any smaller and you really couldn't see what was going on) Bill writes writes "Flies on the Water," a column that covers fly fishing from trout to pike for Outdoors Magazine and is the author of the well known 1974 book "FLY CASTING with BILL CAIRNS" Books by Bill Cairns: - Backpacking for trout - The Trout Unlimited Book of Basic Trout Fishing - Fly casting with Bill Cairns www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=books&field-author=Bill%20Cairns/102-0532588-3961721